7 Bridges Walk and Pub social


Sun 22 Oct 2023 07:00 — 18:00
To be confirmed

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Hi Strokies

Come join us for the 7 Bridges Walk on 22nd October 2023!

The 7 Bridges Walk is a 28km walking event that aims to raise funds for a cancer free future. The event takes you across a super scenic course which covers the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac Bridge, Pyrmont Bridge, Tarban Creek Bridge, Gladesville Bridge, Fig Tree Bridge and Iron Cove Bridge.

Registration fees for the walk is $75 + bf (or $65 + bf for concessions) - you can also buy tickets on the day but this will cost $95 + bf. There are no group registrations so if you would like to join our group will need to purchase tickets from the 7 Bridges Walk website (https://www.7bridgeswalk.com.au/?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhdaSqPyygQMVQhuDAx28xgUpEAAYASAAEgJucPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). Partners, family, friends and others are welcome to join too, please RSVP for them via your DS account or ask them to RSVP as a guest if they will be attending so we have a full list of attendees. 

To walk with Different Strokes on the day, please make sure you select the Pyrmont Start and the 7.30am option (as per the picture below).  

For those who aren’t able to join us for the walk (28km walk is a lot, we get it!)… We will also make a booking around 3pm at the Quarrymans Pub for a late lunch/ arvo drink/ early dinner session. Feel free to drop in and come say hi to the walking group!!

It’s for a great cause, an opportunity to get in some extra steps and we all get to spend some quality time with great company. Hope to see you there!

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